So what the hell does 'Be The Renaissance' mean?
Glad you asked.
Allow me to expand on the Ethos of The Vitruvian:
But first, pre-requisite viewing/reading: The Vitruvian Manifesto (return after viewing)
If we want to see a Renaissance in our time, and take back our world from the evil forces that direct its decline, it begins and ends with your personal self-mastery.
It appears that the world is disintegrating before our eyes: The collapse of the US dollar and fiat currency as we know it, the infiltration and dissolving of the European race from mass immigration, the ongoing circus of the US 'elections', the continued inversion of sex and gender, the ever-increasing Food-Pharma death toll (more on this next week), the total loss of faith in legacy institutions, and more...
Seems bleak.
But what appears as an external problem, is actually an internal one.
It is a waste of precious life force to place your attention on the outer world that you cannot control. When you focus on the above list, it becomes inevitable to give into fear. Fear is the control mechanism, and fear is not from God.
I know how much you want change. I do too. Unfortunately, there isn't a signup sheet for this shit. Thankfully, as The Vitruvian Manifesto states: 'You are the movement'.
The 'collective' change we want is a built from a collection of individual transformations. This (and my personal experience) makes me optimistic that the good guys will win.
'Renaissance' means rebirth. It's the story of Christ. It's the phoenix rising from the ashes. You must kill the parts of yourself that restrict your potential. Only then can you be reborn into who you were destined to be. This is our 'Renaissance'.
You facilitate this rebirth through self-mastery, climbing the tiers of the following pyramid.

Train like a warrior, think like a philosopher, and create like an artist. You climb the pyramid as follows:
Unlocking physical vitality allows you to think clearly.
Clear thinking allows you to find Truth and align with your purpose and mission.
An aligned mission inspires the creation of beautiful things.
As you may already detect, pouring into any one of these individual buckets will flow into the others. As Ray Peat said:
"Energy and structure are interdependent at every level".
Lifting weights will help you commune with God. Meditation and breath-work can heal your gut microbiome; Your development is metaphysics in motion. Stated simply; There is no separating physical, mental, and spiritual development.
However, there is a natural progression. Your body can 100% limit your perception of 'higher' pursuits like Truth and Beauty.
"The healthy man wants 1000 things, the sick man only wants one."
Your physical body is your antenna to connect with a higher power. The temple of God, the vessel of Creation. It's through the body that you receive ideas, insights, intuitions, and more.
You have a birthright to vitality.
'Living' with brain fog, bloating, inflammation, shame, poor posture, no sunlight, movement, or contact with the earth will make it nearly impossible to pursue a path of creation.
"The healthy man wants 1000 things, the sick man only wants one."
I also want to emphasize that this framework is born of my personal experience.
When I was chubby, pale, inflamed, and deeply ashamed and insecure, I had almost no capacity to speak with my heart and create like I do today.
It’s far easier when jacked, tanned, and handsome. Only after you escape the malaise of poor health can you begin to answer the all-important questions:
Why am I here? What are my gifts? What can I contribute?
These questions of meaning, purpose, and mission are crucial to living a fulfilling life. I will expand on these in further letters, podcasts, videos, etc. but a good place to start is with The DaVinci Blueprint.
Finally, once you align to a worthy mission, you can spend the rest of your life in the pursuit of creating beautiful things.
But why beauty?
This is not superficial. It ties directly to the decline we see in the world today.
Beauty reaches toward heaven. It is an act of rebellion against subversive evil. It calls out towards something beyond the mundial and that it why they silence it.
They tear down monuments, burn books, delete videos, dilute bloodlines, and rewrite history all to convince you that the best this world can offer is amazon prime and impossible meat.
They lie and worship the profane.
It’s not enough to only stand against the bad; This creates a vacuum. You have to stand for something good. This is why creation is so important; Filling the vacuum with beautiful things.
Beauty is not subjective, either.
Sunsets, mountain landscapes, the night sky, rolling fields, classical symphonies, children laughing, the human body, and so much more are not 'debatably' beautiful. They are beautiful as a matter of fact. Modern culture would tell you otherwise.
They lie and worship the profane.
To suggest that beauty is a matter of opinion or taste is a subversive relativist deception. Taste only discerns between styles. You know beauty when you see it because your heart tells you so. Your intuition recognizes the beautiful, and rejects the profane. Beauty is objective.
Resist this decline; Pursue Vitality, Truth, and Beauty.
Be The Renaissance.