Be The Renaissance
davinci's blueprint

Three Vitruvian Identities



Mental Mastery



Physical Vitality



Reality Creation

The Vitruvian Manifesto

You are The Renaissance.

There will be no grand crusade to join, no mass demonstration. The movement is not collective.

You are the movement. You are the dreamer and the dream. The creator and his creation, the artist and his masterpiece.

Your noble cause is your self-discovery. Your great war is within.

The world's people are losing themselves. They are directionless, numb, passive, and afraid. They are content with small dreams, and defend the status quo. Their misery seeks company; Do not join them.

In a world that is lost, find purpose.
In a world of degeneracy, lead with virtue.
In a world of specialization, study everything.
In a world of ordinary, be uncommon.
In a world of decline,

Be The Renaissance.

Hear From The Vitruvian Men

Read a few success stories from The Vitruvian Community.

Zach helped me define my advantages, branding, and land my first online clients.

I met Zach when I was just starting in the online space. I had alot of ideas, but needed clarity on which direction to go. Getting his feedback on my unique advantages combined with strategy for branding, positioning, and my offer took me from broke to landing clients weekly. Now I  change people's lives for a living, and live my dream everyday.
Cody ADAms
YouTuber & Lifestyle Coach

Working with Zach unlocked a new level for me.

I had been holding myself back for a long time, but Zach helped me expose and overcome limiting beliefs which took me to a new level in my business and creativity. Honored to call Zach a friend and a mentor.
Harry James
YouTuber & Entrepreneur

Massive boost in clarity and direction.

It has been so helpful to build my brand alongside Zach. The tools and frameworks he provides have given so much clarity and direction, and his feedback has been beyond insightful.
Ryan ayala
The Alchemist's Library Podcast

Having the community really means the world and is a priceless resource I have for life.

I'm extremely busy, but pinpointing the inputs I needed to change, and having guidance and feedback allowed me to greatly accelerate my personal growth while scaling multiple businesses.
Josh mclaughlin
Digital Marketing & Real Estate

Gave me the clarity and confidence I needed to grow myself and my brand.

Zach was a leader who pushed, encouraged, and inspired my personal and brand development with the utmost empathy and respect. Glad to do purpose-driven work alongside others doing the same.
Kyle dimatttio
Nueral Navigation

My life changed for the better.

I had never posted on social media before working with Zach. It's now my full time job, and I get to do what I love everyday. Building my brand, and the confidence and direction to grow was everything for me. Detailed feedback, constant improvement, growth insights, and the accountability to keep going.
Michael sullivan
Fitness Influencer & Entrepreneur

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