I didn't realize it was this bad...
Until last week I had no firsthand experience with the suppression of truth online. I only observed others complaining about it.
I was sympathetic. I'm now empathetic.
The following screenshots are from the MANDATORY 'policy training' from SoyTube after rejecting my appeal for the original podcast:

Controlling the flow of information has always been the modus operandi of the subversive priestly class.
It's why they erased gnosticism from Christianity. It's why you've heard of the Pharisees & Sadducees but not the Essenes. It's why 'Yahweh' bulldozed Babel. It's why they put The Library of Alexandria under the Vatican. It's why they locked the doors.
If you knew how truly powerful you were, you would be VERY hard to control.
You have power that can only be imitated, but never replicated by these nefarious rats. They cast complicated spells and use psychological warfare because they fear standing in The Light. They hate you because God loves you.
So, to keep you numb, they built the simulation with an IV drip of poison.
It's in the food. It's in the blue lights. It's in the tap water. It's in the chemtrails. It's in the air conditioning. It's in the banks. It's in the 'medications'. It's in the 'textbooks'. It's in the 'news'. And it's definitely in the 'history'.
Most recently, it's in THE ALGORITHMS.
Your mind is the final frontier. And if you are basically retarded from the TikTok brain-rot, you will never crack the firmament. Nonetheless realize it's there.
This war is not recent.
Plato spoke about Atlantis. Tolkien buried history in 'fantasy' before the Bodleian Library sealed the doors to our past. Lewis hid it in the wardrobe.
Orwell and Huxley cried out with Orphic omens.
Unfortunately, they were both correct. It's all happening at the same time. They burn what they can, and use AI to drown out what they can't.
You should be furious. You're too busy scrolling to notice.
There are over 3.7 million videos uploaded to YouTube PER DAY. It's a biblical FLOOD of content. And yet, amongst this maelstrom, my little podcast got struck down within five minutes of upload. Frightening.
These algorithms are Alive and have license to kill.
They claim lives and livelihoods without remorse. Losing a piece of content or a Twitter account should be the least of our worries. Bank accounts are emptied, lawsuits are filed, people go 'missing', and there's a jam-packed season of football running right on schedule!
The worst stories won't even get told. No one is listening anyway.
The Archons used to dangle our eternal damnation on a spiders thread. Fire and brimstone came hot off the printing press every week. When that lost our attention, they made sure we didn't have any left to spare.

Sunday services devolved into a 24/7, drug-fueled music festival in your pocket. You nibble passively on the ‘Apple' from the tree of 'knowledge'. Five inches of cold glass and titanium mind control.
It's lowering your IQ and testosterone. Your emotional reaction to that is my clinical study.
If all this doesn't stir you to action, you're not gonna make it.
But for those with nervous systems still in-tact, please curate your social media feed wisely.
You might have accidentally logged on to Hell.
Thanks for reading, share if you feel called. Otherwise, talk soon.
Be The Renaissance.